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branding design


Are you a small business owner aiming to build a recognisable brand? Do you want the business you've invested so much heart and time in to grow stronger and thrive? Achieve your goals by creating a powerful image that supports your success.

Invest in a professional logo for your business. Say goodbye to random fonts or colours. Put an end to chaos on your social media accounts or website. Start operating on a defined path - straightforward and to the point. Order a consistent and beautiful visual identity for your brand.

That's exactly what I need!

Co zyskujesz świadomie projektując markę?

przewagę konkurencyjną

poprzez unikalny, wyróżniający się w tłumie, atrakcyjny wizerunek


utrwalając wizerunek, na którym Ci zależy


do którego kluczem jest spójność wszystkich działań

rzeszę lojalnych klientów

którzy czują silną emocjonalną więź z Twoją  marką

a tym samym

większą sprzedaż

What can I design for you?

logo design

A logo is not just a pretty symbol. It determines how customers perceive you. It's an investment in your business.

Imagine that your logo is not only beautiful and distinctive but also perfectly captures the essence of your business and its unique personality.

It tells customers that your company is trustworthy. It serves as confirmation of the high quality of your products and services.

The unique design helps you stand out from the competition and strongly resonates with your audience, effectively positioning your brand in the market.

You will receive from me all possible versions of the logo prepared for both online publication and print.

To ensure that the story of your brand is consistent and reaches your ideal customers, I will also prepare for you:

- a palette of corporate colours
- selection of corporate typography
- corporate pattern
- additional graphic elements: ornaments, iconography.

printed materials

Customers are asking for business cards or vouchers, and you still haven't grasped the topic, feeling like you're losing their trust and money in the process? Or perhaps you could use a professional price list, catalog, or flyer, but you have no idea what they should look like or contain?

Don't worry. I'll help you analyse your customer's buying journey and specify touch points with your brand where printed advertising materials can be useful. Together, we'll consider the communication style and content of the materials to effectively achieve your business goals.

I can prepare for you, among other things: business card design, letterhead, stickers, labels, packaging, vouchers, flyers, or catalogs.

If you need something else, just ask. I'll definitely help. All projects will be ready to send to the printer.

graphics for online use

Creating graphics for social media takes ages, and the result is still unsatisfactory? Do you feel like you're wasting time choosing from millions of graphics instead of focusing on valuable content for your audience?

You don't have to do everything yourself. Focus on the core of your business, and entrust me with creating a comprehensive brand image for your social media platforms.

I can develop both ready-to-publish graphics and templates that you can edit yourself. You'll stop wasting time, and your posts will become recognisable thanks to consistent visual identity.

I can prepare for you, among other things: post graphics, story backgrounds, saved story icons, Google Ads/Facebook Ads designs, banners, icons, illustrations, or other graphics for your website. I can also create an ebook design for you. I'll create illustrations for it, find or enhance your photos.

Projekt strony internetowej

Strona internetowa to bardzo ważne miejsce dla Twojego biznesu?
Chcesz aby była piękna, intuicyjna i funkcjonalna?
A przede wszystkim aby pomagała Ci sprawnie pozyskiwać klientów?

Jesteś w dobrym miejscu. Sprawię, że Twoja strona stanie się najlepszym przyjacielem Twojej firmy.
Możesz zamówić u mnie tylko projekt strony www lub projekt z jego wdrożeniem.
Wdrażam strony na platformie Webflow.

więcej informacji

My logo designs

My design process

Stage 1: Preparation

1. Inquiry

Please fill out a short contact form. I only ask about the most essential matters to quickly understand your situation and current needs.

2. Online call

We're setting up a convenient time for a brief conversation where we'll discuss your business. I prefer video calls, but the format of the meeting is up to you. This is the time to expand on some topics, clarify details, and get to know you and your business a little better.

2. Offer/Contract

After determining exactly what you need, I will send you an offer with a price proposal. If you accept my offer, we will sign a cooperation agreement. I will also ask you to make a deposit. This way, I will be sure that you are committed to the collaboration, and you will reserve a spot in my calendar.

Stage 2: Let's get started!

4. Research

I meticulously analyse your business. I examine your competition, get to know the industry you operate in. I seek inspiration and gather information for key design decisions.
This is also a time for lively discussions where we contemplate the character or unique selling points of your brand. We identify target groups and define project goals.

5. Concept

I present to you the basic concept of your new visual identity. It includes my idea for your brand and achieving defined goals. It's up to you to decide whether we proceed in this direction or explore a different style.

6. Final design

If you approve the concept, I won't be in touch for a while because I'll be busy designing your visual identity. I'll come back to you with specific projects. A concise presentation will help you make a decision and choose the best one.
I'll make as many changes as necessary. Your 100% satisfaction is important to me. The project must be perfect!"

Stage 3. Implementation

7. Files

In the end, I'll send you a package with all the files you'll ever need, both for printing and for online use.

At last! Now it's your turn to take action!

But don't worry, it's not the end of our collaboration. If you need further graphic support, you can count on me!

Are these your problems too?

I'm opening a business and I need to build a brand image that potential customers can trust.

I don't want to waste time on temporary solutions. From the beginning, I want to attract customers who respect my time and appreciate my professionalism. I need a visual identity that will help me build a strong and recognisable brand.

Magdalena Walentynowicz
Fit & Health Academy

My current branding isn't attracting the perfect clients I want.

It's more of a collection of random colours and graphics that don't build a cohesive brand image. At the beginning of my business, I didn't have the resources to invest in a professional graphic identity. I tried to handle it myself, but the result is not satisfying. Not to mention the wasted time. I need professional help.

Anna Schubert
Style Coach

If you're in a similar situation, you're in the perfect place!


I'll conduct a thorough analysis of your business, familiarise myself with the industry, and examine your competition. All to find the visual distinguishing features of your brand.

Online Workshop

We'll meet for an online call during which we'll brainstorm together. We'll discuss your current situation to choose the best solutions.

Colour Palette

I'll create a palette of beautiful and functional brand colours for your brand, ensuring that your graphics always look great.


l develop a set of fonts that will become an integral part of your identity. Your materials will be consistent and legible.


You'll receive a set of unique symbols that you'll proudly present to your clients. And thanks to multiple variations, they'll adapt flexibly to the available space.

Brand Pattern

I'll design a corporate repeating pattern for you. It's a wonderful decoration for all kinds of advertising materials.

Additional Graphic Elements

I'll create a unique set of vector decorations, photos, stamps, stickers, and backgrounds for you. Graphic design has never been easier.

Starter Package

To make it even easier for you to use your new identity, you'll receive a set of ready-made social media graphics that you can use freely.

Brand Guidelines

I'll develop a document containing all the key principles of the new identity. In case of any doubts, it will be your support on the path to a consistency.

Are you ready to start this journey?


How much does a logo cost?
What is the lead time?
Do you work with international clients?
How will we settle the payment?
Will I receive intellectual property rights to the project?